planetary basics
Planets Represent
psychological functions
These are the What’s of the chart. They represent the different components of the personality. They don’t have characteristics or traits of their own. They get those from the signs they are found in on the chart. Rather, the Planets are the different pieces and parts of you that are then defined by their location on your chart.
soulful luminaries.
The core of the personality made up of two polarities. The classic duality of Sun and Moon, Masculine and Feminine, Yang and Yin are represented by these influences in your chart.
The Sun.
The Ego. The Spirit of Vitality. How you See Yourself. The active nature. The Masculine half of the core of the personality (Yang).
Rules: Leo
Natural House: 5th
The Moon.
Instincts and intuition. Your sense of emotional security. The receptive nature. The Feminine half of the core of the personality (Yin).
Rules: Cancer
Natural House: 4th
personal planets.
These Planets represent more personal components of your personality such as how you think, communicate, love, and exercise your will.
Intellect and Communication. Perception. Information gathering. Spirit of observation. Work ethic. Analysis of details.
Rules: Gemini and Virgo
Natural Houses: 3rd and 6th
Love. Style. Pleasure. Amorous nature. Aesthetics.
Rules: Taurus and Libra
Natural Houses: 2nd and 7th
Aggressive and competitive nature. Will to win. Sexual drive. Warrior spirit.
Rules: Aries (and Scorpio, classically)
Natural Houses: 1st (and 8th, classically)
social planets.
Planets in this category have to do with psychological functions that are less personal and primarily impact how we connect and relate to the public, culture and society.
Spirit of adventure and expansion. Natural talents. Wanderlust. Faith and hope.
Rules: Sagittarius (and Pisces, classically)
Natural Houses: 9th (and 12th, classically)
Discipline. Structure. Limitations. Realistic nature. Boundaries. Authority.
Rules: Capricorn (and Aquarius, classically)
Natural Houses: 10th (and 11th, classically)
global planets.
These are relative newcomers to Astrology. Uranus wasn’t discovered until 1781, Neptune in 1846, and Pluto in 1930. These are outer planets that have a very long trip through the Zodiac. While the Sun spends about 30 days in each sign, Pluto spends about 20.5 years in each sign. For this reason these Planets are considered to have more of a generational impact than a personal one.
Individuality. Rebellious nature. How you stand out and go against the grain. Inner revolutionary.
Rules: Aquarius (Modern)
Natural House: 11th
Illusion and self-deception. Imagination and fantasy. Dreams. Mystical nature. Escapism.
Rules: Pisces (Modern)
Natural House: 12th
Transformation. Regeneration. Controlling nature. Crisis and destruction making way for the new. Sexual intensity.
Rules: Scorpio (Modern)
Natural House: 8th