#22: XMAS - Part 5 - From the house of david
December 23rd, 2024
It's the day before the day before Christmas. So, let Chris and Marnee take you to church. On this episode we get Blasphemous with the Bible as we start in the birth narrtaives of the New Testament, and then, from there, hop way back into the Old Testament to take a look at the story of David. Trust us, you've probably never heard the Bible like this. Is it possibly we are completely misunderstanding it, misusing it, and simply making it mean what we want it to mean according to our own individualized and organizational agendas? Yes. The answer to that is yes. Merry XMAS!!
Researched, Written, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Performed by: Chris and Marnee Setty
Theme Music: Slow Fade by Thör
#22: XMAS - Part 4 - Angels
December 24th, 2023
We are back! Just in time to bring you a gift for the season. Join Chris as he takes Marnee through humanity's long and deep history of Angels, why we created them, what purposes they served in our mythologies, and how they got to the image we all have today, maybe even sitting on top of our Christmas Tree. Have a Very Blasphemous XMAS!
Researched, Written, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Performed by: Chris and Marnee Setty
Theme Music: Slow Fade by Thör
#20: Vaxxing - Part 2 - “Anti-Vaxxers Gonna Anti-Vaxx”
March 17th, 2021
Join Chris as he takes Marnee through the aftermath of Edward Jenner's world-changing contribution in Part 2. We discuss the very first global vaccination project and other developments that turn the tide in our fight against smallpox. We then switch our attention to the groups and people who, from day one, suddenly became "experts" in this brand new science, creating propaganda, preaching, and politically organizing against vaccinations. The ideas they presented won't be hard for you to imagine because they are the same ones you see propagating around the world and showing up on people's screens today.
Researched, Written, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Performed by: Chris and Marnee Setty
Theme Music: Slow Fade by Thör
#19: Vaxxing - Part 1 - “The Cow: Our Actual Best Friend”
February 24th, 2021
We get to live today, blissfully ignorant, unaware, and untouched by a mysterious, deadly killer that stalked humankind for thousands and thousands of years. It killed millions of our children, took our eyesight, left us scarred and disfigured, if we even managed to survive its horrific attacks. This tale is *THE* story of how we came to live the long, potential-filled lives we do. How we fought back against this invisible, truly terrifying, serial killer - and how we should all thank our lucky fucking stars we won.
Researched, written, and edited by: Chris Setty
Performed by: Chris and Marnee Setty
Theme Music: Slow Fade by Thör
#18: The Sinister Left
February 17th, 2021
In this episode, Chris takes Marnee through a deeply ingrained belief around something considered innocuous today - the idea of the right hand versus the left. For millennia, our association of the left side, hand or way with evil and immorality has embedded in our collective consciousness. This belief crept into our religions, spiritual outlooks, languages, and even societal policy, impacting the lives of many left-handed people well into the latter parts of the 20th century. All based off of superstition around something as basic as what hand you favor.
Researched, written, and edited by: Chris Setty
Performed by: Chris and Marnee Setty
Theme Music: Slow Fade by Thörr
#17: Human Rationality - Part 2 - “you don’t think How you think you think”
February 10th, 2021
In the conclusion to our look at the belief that we, as humans, are rational creatures, Chris takes Marnee through some of our specific cognitive strategies that have been identified through scientific study. They will likely all feel very familiar to you if we are honest with ourselves. The truth is, we are not built for truth-seeking, but rather for social-bonding, and our brains do not use rational or logical thought in keeping us plugged-in to a group. Spoiler Alert: You’re totally biased.
Researched, Written, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Performed by: Chris and Marnee Setty
Theme Music: Slow Fade by Thörr
#16: Human Rationality - Part 1 - “Your Brain is Only Human”
February 4th, 2021
The human brain. It's about finding out truth and an objective picture of reality...there is something special about us compared to the rest of nature, something that makes us smarter, more logical, and more objective, right? Pretty much a ubiquitous belief amongst people. Join us, as Chris takes Marnee through some of the interesting features we have discovered about our brains. Realities that indicate we aren't the rational creatures we think we are.
Researched, Written, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Performed by: Chris and Marnee Setty
Theme Music: Slow Fade by Thörr
#15: The Blasphemous Ballad of Chris & Marnee
january 25th, 2021
On this special episode, indulge us as we, Chris & Marnee, take your through a very personal story of belief - our own. The roots of Blasphemy! are deeply embedded in our own journey, so join us as we tell the tale. Recorded exactly 30 years, to the hour, after two kids stood at the altar and said “I do.”
Researched, Written, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Performed by: Chris and Marnee Setty
Theme Song: Slow Fade by Thörr
#14: The Notorious HPB - Part 4 - “The dark legacy of theosophy”
january 21st, 2021
As we conclude our look at Helena Blavatsky - her life, influence, and impact on the world - Chris takes Marnee through the developments Theosophy would undertake in turn-of-the-century Germany. Ideas that would be formulated using Helena's supposedly supernaturally-obtained truth, slapped on to German social and racial movements, leading to Nazi death camps.
Researched, Written, Performed, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Theme Song: Slow Fade by Thörr
#13: The Notorious HPB - Part 3 - “The Root Races”
january 13th, 2021
Listen in as Chris explains the information Helena claims to have gotten from the Masters via all kinds of shenanigans and cons. As she lays out her divinely inspired story of human evolution and development, we see her appropriation of "scientific" theories and ideas swirling around at the time. Ideas that laid the groundwork for racial struggles we are still dealing with.
Researched, Written, Performed, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Theme music: Slow Fade by Thörr
#12: The Notorious HPB - Part 2 - “The Theosophical Society”
january 6th, 2021
As Chris and Marnee continue their exploration of Spiritualism and Helena Blavatsky's influence on the movement, he covers the establishment of her official organization, The Theosophical Society, and all the fun, very human twists and turns it took along the way.
Researched, Written, Performed, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Theme music: Slow Fade by Thörr
#11: The Notorious HPB - Part 1 - “Spiritualism…Enter Helena Blavatsky”
December 30th, 2020
In the latter half of the 19th century, a fervor overtook the United States. It became the fastest growing religion through the end of the century and is known as Spiritualism. From within this cacophony emerged one of the most influential figures in western esoteric thought. Her name was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and the ideas she would make up would spread across Europe and the United States, beliefs that would lead to some really dastardly shit. Join us as Chris takes Marnee through the roots and development of the Spiritualist movement, and introduces The Notorious HPB.
Researched, Written, Performed, and Edited by: Chris Setty
Theme Music: Slow Fade by Thörr
#10: XMAS - Part 3 - “How We Got Santa Claus”
December 25th, 2020
Join us, as Chris takes Marnee through the fun, winding history of the magical gift giver himself, Santa Claus. It starts all the way back in the 3rd century, and his development would take many forks in the road and go through quite an evolution on his way to the guys we see in the mall every holiday season.
#9: XMAS - Part 2 - “A Very Blasphemous Christmas”
December 22nd, 2020
The foundations of our world are built on ideas, concepts and observations made by our ancient ancestors. While we may have moved on, the symbols and meaning encoded in our religions, philosophies, perspectives, and even the most mundane areas of life. Join Chris and Marnee as he takes her through the Astrological thinking that set in place fundamental ideas that have reached into virtually every aspect of our world. You’ll hear about the astrological symbolism throughout the Bible, and how the Gospel accounts of the nativity follow patterns and mythological frameworks set in place thousands of years earlier.
#8: XMAS - Part 1 - “The Reason for the Season”
December 15th, 2020
Join Chris and Marnee as they discuss the history of the beliefs, traditions, myths, and development of what we call Christmas. It’s way more interesting that the nativity scene you dig out of your attic every twelve months. Along the way we will see that Christmas has had a lot of ups, downs, and reinventions, with the true enemies of Christmas showing themselves.
#7: Satan’s RPG - Part 3 - “Things Get BADD”
December 8th, 2020
In Part 3, we conclude our look at the Satanic Panic around Dungeons & Dragons during the 80s and 90s. Listen in as we take a look at the moral entrepreneurs who stepped into the fray, trying to make real change in society around the availability and perception of RPGs, and especially, D&D. It’s another tale full of very human tragedy. However, some took their pain and redirected it into a full-blown mission to defeat Satan and his evil tool, D&D. We’ll examine one character in particular, a mom named Patricia Pulling. She would lead an effort to expose Satan’s tricks to the public, the media, and even the police. Join Chris and Marnee as lthey conclude Satan’s RPG.
#6: Satan’s RPG - Part 2 - “Enter The Real Magical Thinkers”
December 2nd, 2020
In Part 2, we examine the cast of characters that flooded in to take advantage of the buzz around Dungeons & Dragons that had entered the media through the coverage of James Egbert’s disappearance and later suicide. While the people playing D&D were perfectly aware it was a fantasy realm, using their imaginations to play a game with friends and have fun, there were, in fact, people who took magic very seriously and set out on a quest, LARPing across the country, causing trouble along the way. These were the evangelical and fundamentalist crusaders, always willing to snatch up the latest controversy and add it to their list of magical battles they are fighting.
#5: Satan’s RPG - Part 1 - “It All Begins With A Tragedy”
November 25th, 2020
In the 1980s and 90s, a Satanic panic gripped the nation. Satan was under every rock and around every corner. While almost everything in pop culture was under attack and being accused of being a tool of the Devil, one particular cultural phenomenon took a large brunt of this mass hysteria, the game Dungeon’s & Dragons. If you grew up in those decades, you are aware of how this game lured in vulnerable teenagers who usually wound up going crazy and killing themselves or others. Satan was at work, people just knew it. The truth of the matter is much more human, and examining the path this belief took shows us a lot about ourselves and how we deal with intense trauma. In Part 1, Chris takes Marnee back to 1979 to lay out the spark that lit the panic.
#4: Adrenochrome - Part 2 - “the Modern Day Blood libel”
November 18th, 2020
Listen as we conclude the Adrenochrome conspiracy theory in Part 2, where Chris sits down with Marnee to explain what Adrenochrome is, how it broke into the popular zeitgeist, and the pretty disgusting path it has taken to become the modern day Blood Libel. Once again, we will see these ideas circulating around the conspiracy set are not only impossible, but nothing more than a 21st century version of Middle Ages anti-Semitism.
#3: Adrenochrome - Part 1 - “New Wine in old wineskins”
November 11th, 2020
Lately, you’ve probably come across some new ideas and terms as they’ve bubbled up into our popular consciousness. Qanon, Adrenochrome, and the #saveourchildren movement have all of a sudden broken into the mainstream, capturing the minds of people across cultures, political ideologies, and social status. There is nothing new about these ideas. Join us as Chris sits down with Marnee and lays out the history of this dark, archaic bigotry. You see, all of these conspiracies are nothing more than Middle Ages Anti-Semitism repackaged for you with some 21st-century relevance. In Part 1, we go way back in history to get an understanding of how these tropes and accusations originated, developed, and infected our cultural worldview.
#2: The myth of the human alpha male
November 11th, 2020
For the most part, we all have aligned ourselves with an idea. Not a spiritual idea, or some conspiracy, but, rather, something we consider settled science to a large degree. The idea is that Human social hierarchies are like other animals, especially when it comes to Alpha-Beta behavior. In this episode we look at the story behind the Alpha Wolf theory, how it rose and then fell in light of further scientific research, and how things are way more complicated than we think. Alpha males don’t exist in humans, and our societal acceptance of disproven science has only led to social ills and even outright violence.
#1: 5G Is Going to kill us?!
November 10th, 2020
No. It’s not. Listen in as Chris attempts to explain he electromagnetic spectrum to Marnee, and how all of us have been continuously exposed to levels of radiations so much higher than cellphones could ever produce from the instant we emerged into this confusing world. We also delve into how this conspiracy is tied - like so many others - to anti-Semitic suspicions and accusations. We delve into the world of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and how a forgery used as propaganda against the Jews installed the framework for the vast majority of modern American conspiracy theory.